Static + DiRQuo Originals Available At WeLikeStatic

Static Presents... A Unique Piece On Wood Box Size: 40 x 60cm £180
Check out's site for some amazing original pieces available, i particularly love these 2 pieces. Here are details of their next month's activities...
Coming soon to WeLikeStatic.... - March '09
This month will see the release of our latest print, a 13 colour screen print with 4 layers of varnish to give it an extra bit of gloss and polish. We'll be sending out a mailing list to coincide with it's launch, so sign up if you're not already on it, but between us and you expect something popping up around 5am EST Monday March 16th - complete with a limited number of unique AP's with added embellishments and sparkly finishes! We're also in the middle of relocating our studio, so please bear with us during this period of transition - hopefully we'll be settled in to our new surroundings in time for the release and be straight back to the war table planning everything and everywhere we want to get to in the next couple of months. Until then, any work still available from the Alchemy group exhibition can be viewed and purchased in the 'Editions' & 'Originals' sections of the site, so check them out too!
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