£25 Crunch Burger Special Featuring Byroglyphics 'Cantilever'

I have been watching Red Propellor the last few weeks and their NEW Twenty Five Pounder Crunch Burger Promotion. This, their 3rd release features 'Cantilever' by Byroglyphics aka Russ Mills. These are the details from Red Propellor's website: This is, in our opinion, the most beautiful painting Byroglyphics has produced so far and the print is outstanding. We are not sure of the print run yet but we will increase it to include the rollover from last week. This print is available on Friday 22nd May at 7pm to coincide with Russ's first solo London show is opening at 6pm at Signal Gallery on Thursday 21st May and he'll be there. Everyone on our mailing list will receive a secret code for the Byroglyphics print. Good Luck Everyone! Check out Byro's website, there will be new stuff up very soon!!!
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