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    Obey 'Let Fury Have The Hour' Print Release Details


    Here is the next release from artist Shepard Fairey over at Obey. This is a movie poster for Antonio D'Ambrosio's upcoming Clash inspired movie called 'Let Fury Have The Hour'. It is 18 x 24 inches in size with an 18 x 24 inch print with an edition size of 450, comes signed and numbered by both for $50 each.

    "Shepard recently created some poster/print artwork for a soon to be released documentary on The Clash that coincided with the Let Fury Have a Heartbeat exhibition at Subliminal Projects, on now. The print will be released at a random time on Thursday, January 7th, 2010" Check out the trailer below!

    Check it out HERE

    Let Fury Have the Hour Teaser Trailer from Let Fury Have the Hour on Vimeo.

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