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Thanks Banksy But You Should've Gone All Month

Banksy Is Back At It In London Pt 2

Londontown continues to be a zoo courtesy of Banksy.
I love seeing so many people out searching everyday for the new pieces before Mr B announces them on his Instagram account. Here are the latest installations from August 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th. I feel the 12th is Banksy commenting on his defunct relationship with Steve Lazarides. Let's just say that Banksy is not the Rhino.
Banksy Is Back At It In London

New Banksy 'Cock Rocket' Piece In Ukraine

More Banksy images popping up on Instagram over the weekend.
I question the penis color, not many men have been intimidated by a white penis!

More Banksy Pieces Discovered In Ukraine

The judo reference is an obvious swipe at Putin, the sideburns detailing is a nice touch.
A Ukrainain ribbon dancer, possibly gold medalist Lilia Podkopayeva or bronze medalist Oksana Skaldina
Not sure on this reference, possibly Olympian Irina Yarotskaya
Possibly an ode to Mihailo Hrushevsky, one of the most important figures of the Ukrainian national revival of the early 20th century.
Well placed composition but no idea if there is a significant reference.

New Banksy In Kiev Ukraine

This image is floating around Instagram of a possible NEW Banksy piece in Kiev, Ukraine. To me there is no doubt it his work but we shall see. My only thought is what took him so long??!!
More Banksy Pieces Discovered In Paris, France