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    Entries in fenway (3)


    Daniel Danger 'Fenway' Diptych UPDATE


    From DD "so after spending a good 45 minutes opening the giant crate box thing that arrived today, i finally got one of these out to photograph. this thing is goshdarn massive. click to see it bigger. good thing i bought a wide angle lens for my camera the other day. either way, after we made the necessary adjustments and fixed what needed to be fixed with my drawing, the end result i think looks a million times better and i’m infinitely happier with the final product. and i ASSUME you will be too.



    …a comparison between the new and the older printing. like i said, it was really just about cleaning up and crisping up my linework before it got translated into solid blacks and whites. it was just too messy in a way i didnt expect, it didnt print well. but its much more open and punchier now. like that gibson grabber bass in the first photo. PUNCHY.

    as for the sale of these, i think were aiming for early this coming week


    Check it out HERE


    Daniel Danger 'Fenway' Print Fiasco Update

    From Daniel Danger,

    "welp. so here’s the skinny… the Fenway prints were printed pretty last minute in time for the G1988 'GREATEST MOMENTS IN SPORTS art show (I was still real sick, got a bit behind schedule), and only a handful of copies were shipped down to the gallery to display at the opening; the rest would be shipped to me to sign and number and return to the gallery for shipping. all i saw of the displayed copies were some photos, and i initially expressed some concern over the actual final product.  however, i wanted to see the print in person before i made any real opinions about the future of the edition, which i knew wouldn’t be until after SXSW. today they arrived and i anxiously opened up the box and laid them out on the table; and my mouth aligned itself in that way it does when im not happy with something and i know i’m going to have a long day. (you can skip the next paragraph if marginally technical pre-press talk is the opposite of the kind of thing you care about.)

    so i opened up my files and drawings and poured over everything for a while. silkscreening is a fairly binary artform, either there’s ink or there isn’t, and thats really up to the ink. however, my drawing style isn’t that precise, and sometimes if i’m not careful those tiny hatched out lines aren’t REALLY as cut and dry and defined as they need to be to expose properly. unfortunately, that’s what happened here, the drawing wasn’t high contrast enough way way zoomed in down in the nitty gritty in those tight areas, and needed to be ‘opened up’ by adjusting the overall tonal nuances of the drawing. getting rid of the mid-tones that were clouding up those tiny open lines (remember silkscreening is binary, and grey is neither a 1 or a 0, and thus is bad), and giving all those white lines a little more breathing space. i knew how to fix my problem, so that’s what were gonna do…  i called the gallery, and we decided the best course of action was to dumpster/burn this entire run (NO. You can’t have one!!), eat the production cost (oof…), and re-print them with the proper changes. if you’re going to do something, best do it right. i spent entirely too long on this to send out something i’m not happy with, and i want you to be happy. i made all the proper arrangements with my printer and hes going to get started within the week on the reprint, and then we’ll get these out to you all as soon as possible. the first photo shows a comparison shot vs the first printing, the second photo shows an example of how much i’m opening up those lines. so! yup, that’s whats happening. we apologize for the delay, because i know a lot of you guys are absolutely rabid about this one, but id rather apologize for a production delay then apologize for the alternative.
    for those who immediately put yours on ebay to make a quick buck, i apologize but with a lot less sincerity." - d


    Daniel Danger 'Fenway' Diptych SNEAK PEAK


    Here is a KILLER new print from artist Daniel Danger. This beauty is called 'Fenway' and it is a must have for all Boston Red Sox fans. I wonder if there will be a green (monster) or red (sox) variant available too. This diptych consists of 2 - 22 x 11 inch screenprints with an edition size of 100, comes signed and numbered by the artist for $80 each set. This piece is part of the upcoming G1988 'Greatest Moments In Sports History' art show.

    Check it out HERE